Meaning of (अबड़ धबड़) abad dhabad in english

As noun : incoherent Ex:  Figures, incoherent images
desultory Ex:  desultory Ideas absurd Ex:  As exploding whales are an interesting and absurd topic improper Ex:  It still means, figuratively and familiarly, which is improper unlogical haste Ex:  the meeting was concluded in a haste
As verb : confused Ex:  Nationalism should not be confused with religious fanaticism. disconnected Ex:  The concept of a multiverse of disconnected universes is very old
As adjective : random Ex:  The lottery numbers are chosen at random . promiscuous undue incongruous Ex:  "The most incongruous odd Ex:  All horizontal streets are odd and the verticals are evenly numbered. preposterous Ex:  Question preposterous disproportionate Ex:  Their ages are very disproportionate irrational Ex:  It is irrational to fret over circumstances that do not exist inharmonious Ex:  Language inharmonious insupportable unjustified unjustifiable illogical Ex:  An illogical reasoning unreconciled uneven Ex:  this book is, to put it baldly, an uneven work. unconnected Ex:  Opponents unconnected with the SA were also murdered unconformable anomalous Ex:  This anomalous result was termed the solar neutrino problem. pointless Ex:  SHAVE, in popular language, by means Annoy about long and pointless unreasonable Ex:  of both genders who squanders his wealth by excessive liberality in unreasonable expenses inconsistent Ex:  6-0. The inconsistent results continued through mid-April abrupt Ex:  It means, by extension, which is abrupt and haughty, or Who is inappropriate, too nimble incompatible Ex:  Racism is incompatible with liberalism. inappropriate Ex:  the saltiness of their language was inappropriate
Suggested : out of keeping or place inappropriate unbecoming unwarranted excessive without logical or meaningful connection disjointed rambling characterized by or involving indiscriminate mingling or association, especially having sexual relations with a number of partners on a casual basis proceeding, made, or occurring without definite aim, reason , or pattern
Exampleअबड़ धबड़ का हिन्दी मे अर्थ

Word of the day
(अबड़ धबड़) abad dhabad can be used as noun, verb or adjective and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 9 including vowels consonants matras. The word is used as Adjective in hindi . Transliteration : aba.Da dhaba.Da

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